
Baretz+Brunelle Statement on Racial Injustice

Written by Baretz+Brunelle | Jun 4, 2020 10:08:42 PM

We’ve realized something important this week. No matter how much you think others know what you stand for and what you believe in, they don’t – unless you tell them. So here goes.

We at Baretz+Brunelle believe that the death of George Floyd, and countless other Black Americans before him, is beyond horrifying. And we believe that we must do something to help eliminate the racial injustice in this country. We have thought deeply about what we can and should do as a firm to make a difference. We believe that words are not enough. The legal industry in which we work is uniquely positioned to drive change. We believe it is our obligation to do so, and we are working with others in the industry on new ways to do that.

Our country is made up of incredibly smart people from different cultures, backgrounds and perspectives. We believe we need to listen to all of those voices and, as a communications firm, commit to amplifying them. And we believe it must start with each of us personally. We all need to educate ourselves and have the uncomfortable conversations to address the systemic racism that exists in our country. All of us at B+B are committed to doing our part – taking action individually and together. We believe we all can and must do better.